Nimbin Good Times
02 66 891 148

The Nimbin Good Times is a monthly tabloid newspaper, which styles itself as "The Alternative Journal of the Rainbow Region".
Started in 1997, largely to promote the vision of the Nimbin Community Centre (acquired in 1998), the newspaper has since widened its focus and grown to 28 pages in full colour, with 15,000 copies currently distributed monthly throughout the six shires of the Far North Coast region.
The Nimbin GoodTimes has always been run by volunteers, and has always been self-supporting. Its longevity is due entirely to the continuing commitment and generosity of the mostly Nimbin businesses and tradespeople who have continued to advertise in its pages; and its content is largely due to the contributions of citizen journalists.
To read the current edition, go to: nimbingoodtimes.com
This website also contains a history of the newspaper, as well as an archive of past editions back to 2005.
Deadlines fall on the last Wednesday of every month.
To contact the editor with submissions for forthcoming editions, or to receive a rate card for advertising, please post to The Nimbin Good Times, 81 Cullen Street, Nimbin 2480 or email: nimbin.goodtimes@gmail.com
Our email is the fastest and most reliable point of contact, we can also be contacted on 02 66 89 1148, this number like the mail address might take a little longer to respond to but we will get to eventually.